Saturday, May 15, 2010

10 reasons to move to Louisbourg,

10 reasons to move to Louisbourg,

Wouldn't you like to live in the Friendliest and Safest place in Canada.

1: If you are lucky enough to live by the ocean you are lucky enough. The sea and the harbour is beautiful and always changing. There is always a new ship or a whale or something, plus the best-looking lighthouse. Louisbourg is the most historic harbour in Canada. Battles here settled the course of Canada and the United States.

2: Complete range of houses and properties from $10,00 to $500,000. You can find houses that are half of what they are in Ontario especially if you want to downscale. Low property taxes that can be fixed for seniors. 

3: Weather. The weather in Louisbourg is consistently better then the weather in Southern Ontario. It is milder and has less snow in the winter and is cooler in summer. The weather in this part of Cape Breton is completely different than the rest of Cape Breton even different from Sydney. Louisbourg is in its own climate zone. We might have more fog (not this year)and more wind but almost all major storms and hurricanes miss us even lighting storms are rare. No tornadoes,  no floods, no avalanches.

4: Fresh Clean  Air all the time. Excellent fresh soft Water right from the Tap (brand new 7 million dollar water plant. Fresh seafood, Best Lobster in the world, crab halibut etc.

5: Terrific Infrastructure. Highspeed internet and cable right at the door. Garbage collection, Snow plowing roads, and sidewalks are always clean. You can walk the streets any time of year.

6: Many Organizations and Churches, Volunteer Work galore good community Services.

7: Major hospital 25 minutes away. Fast local Ambulance service (no traffic) Volunteer Fire Department. The airport is 30 minutes away. The city is 30 minutes away.

8: Playhouse all summer,  Recreation: World Class golf course 1 kilometer down the road 4 major golf course within an hour away. Unlimited Hiking, Hunting, and Fishing. Swimming on clean sandy beaches. Great Hockey in Sydney

9: Great opportunities for Artists and Hobbyists. The tourist business is much underexploited

10: Friendly people, Everybody waves to everybody. Virtually zero crime rate.

Caveat:(only If you have an income) 

Gary LeDrew

Surcouf or Swordfish

My Uncle Al Bussey harpooned a big swordfish off of Scaterie island In the Fall of 1941.They were in the process of drowning it when somethi...